Tough Viking Swedish races will be sanctioned by Svenska Friidrottsförbundet starting in 2023.

This information applies to those who intend to qualify for the European/World Championships or the Elite class. If this is the case, you should sign up for the Competition/Age Group. If you wish to participate in Tough Viking as a recreational runner and do not intend to qualify, sign up for the Open class. Of course, you will still have your time recorded even in the Open class. Most participants in Tough Viking do so in the Open class.

The regular Open class is not affected by this. Everything remains the same as before.

Competition Elite and Age Group

Tough Viking Swedish races will be sanctioned by Svenska Friidrottsförbundet (SF) starting in 2023. In order to participate in the sanctioned race, you must be a member of a club affiliated with SF. You can sign up for seeding in the Competition Elite or for participation in Competition/Age Group. See more information here about the competition rules that apply.

When registering, you choose your class (Competition Elite or Competition Age Group) under the Distances tab.

What does it mean that Tough Viking is sanctioned by SF?

It means that you can now run Tough Viking races to qualify for the European/World Championships. SF has an official ranking ( for participants in each competition class (Competition Elite/Age Group) and it will be a strong guiding factor for selecting national team runners for the official European and World Championships.

Tough Vikings Classes

Competition Elite – sanctioned competition class

Competition/Age Group – sanctioned competition class

Open – Tough Viking’s general competition rules apply in this class

You can still participate in Tough Viking as an Open runner without being part of a competition class. The Tough Viking general rules for participation apply.

Race Rules

To apply and sign up

You who already have applied for seeding

As Tough Viking races will be sanctioned 2023 by Svenska Friidrottsförbundet our previous elite start will be discontinued and new competition rules will apply to the new classes Competition Elite and Competition/Age Group.
If you want to compete in Elite, your registration needs to be redone because you must represent a club affiliated to Svenska Friidrottsförbundet.
If you are not seeded to Elite, you start in the Competition/Age Group.

Email [email protected] and state which race(s) apply as well as name and date of birth, and we will get back to you on how to update your registration.